Facebook. Get rid of it and use Tinfoil instead

Tinfoil for Facebook – An alternative to using the Facebook application.

Following on from my last post, I have realized that removing Facebook and using an older version doesn’t work.
Facebook Messenger is still required to view new messages that are sent to you. Thanks Mr Zuckerberg.

So now I introduce to you, Tinfoil for Facebook.











Tin Foil for Facebook is an Android application that takes the Facebook mobile version and puts it into an app-form.

It’s more private, quite fast, has most of the features of the original Facebook app, and it’s free.
Most importantly, you don’t need an separate app like “Facebook Messenger” to get your messages.

So how do you get it?
First thing is uninstall your Facebook.
Then go the the Google App store and install Tinfoil for Facebook.

That’s it, now enjoy.


Remove Windows 10 pop up and notification on the Windows 7 and 8 operating systems.